We appreciate that you’ve given the thought of donating to help our service to the Lord. It means a lot to all of us, we couldn’t do what we do without your help.
Recurring Donations
Patreon is our preferred choice for recurring donations, providing unique rewards depending on the amount per month.
To donate, click the image of the respective option to be sent to the applicable processor.
Tax Information
This information is only notable if you have total charitable contributions exceeding the standard deduction for the tax year.
Kerygma Digital Co. is a non-profit organization founded in Wyoming. We carry 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the IRS, which means that you can claim a tax deduction on donations made on or after January 21st, 2021. You can deduct up to 50% of your adjusted gross income (60% for cash donations). The only exception is Patreon tiers with merchandise gifts, which will subtract the amount you can deduct based on rewards given. Please keep receipts until you file your taxes for that year, so you can accurately calculate how much you can deduct.
We recommend reading the IRS article on charitable contribution deductions, so you can understand the requirements and limitations better. If you use a tax professional to file, discuss these donations with them when you file. Otherwise, attach Schedule A to your Form 1040.
You will need our information when filing, which can be found in the footer below.
For non-U.S. donors: Please consult your local tax authority on whether you may deduct taxes as a result of a donation. We are not aware of the options available, as we are not incorporated elsewhere.